Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reflections of '08

I love that in 2008 I...

-am the mother of 5 children
-have courage
-find peace
-feel closer to a guiding light within
-have more patience (thanks Byron Katie)
-live in Arizona
-a home with my own personal shower and a garage (fabulous)
-am related to the CRAIG family
-treated to dinner almost every Friday Night!
-am inspired by Steve Hardison
-READ...impelling books
-learned about the four agreements (thanks Lorri)
-met Steve Chandler and attended one of his seminars (thanks Brandon)
-live so close to the temple
-have met great new friends
-have Jillian Michaels to "TONE"
-went on a great vacation
-am supported and loved by so many
-am continuing to grow...

When you transform your whole dream, magic just happens in your life. What you need comes to you easily because spirit moves freely through you. -Ruiz

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Utah with the Craig's

Thank You
Brandon and Lorri
for inviting our family
on this AWESOME Christmas Vacation

Friday, December 19, 2008

Little Miss Emmie

OK, so have I mentioned how much this "Little Miss Emmie" LOVES to dance!
This "MOVE" is just for you Michelle!(since this is the affects of her knowing you)

Saturday, December 13, 2008


"Anonymous GIVER"

Yesterday I was invited to attend a seminar by Brandon Craig at BILTRITE Corp.; the guest speaker was STEVE CHANDLER which is an author I have grown fond of. I have read many of his books but this was my first time to attend one of his seminars. I was blown away with his talent and humor all wrapped up in a profound way. The 2 hour seminar seemed like 20 minutes to me. Someone, before the seminar handed me an envelope and said "someone wanted me to give this to you" and then walked away. I didn't know the person so I assumed they thought I was Lorri, my twin sister. I looked down at the envelope and one side read MERRY CHRISTMAS and the other side had my name on it so I then knew it really was for me. I tucked it away and after the seminar went in the break room and opened it. Someone had left for me money wrapped in paper. Has this ever happened to you? If so, did you feel as though I did, deeply touched and warmed from head to toe! I love that someone had my family and I in mind.

I was first introduced to the concept of "GLADGIVING" about a year ago by someone that continues to inspire me when I'm in their presence. After the invitation to read a book that magnifies this concept I find myself absorbed in the beauty of it. You donate 2-5% of all money received, yes... ALL money received. This was easy for me to apply because of the principle of Tithing taught to me as a small child, this does not take the place of tithes it is all bundled up in its own category. You then donate to your choice of charity or person...YOU CHOOSE!

Let us be mindful of the impressions to GLADGIVE as they come, it touches deep!

Speaking of GLADGIVING... that is the word that came to my mind yesterday for all those who worked together to create the SEMINAR “The Power of Optimism in a Down Economy.”


Sunday, December 7, 2008